

We at Mamaheaven believe that massage is not only heavenly but is also an essential way to restoring your self, calming your mind and getting back in touch with your post-natal body. Women’s bodies go through an infinite number of changes before and after birthing. The constant demands of early parenting also puts your body under new pressures and strain. It’s not just the body that is compromised but also your mind which is so often full of new worries and concerns. Massage pampers the body in to a relaxed state and allows mothers to unwind and de-stress. Massage is an integral part of how we look after ourselves as humans and a simple but very deep healing tool. It is well known to relieve stress, insomnia, anxiety, aches and pains and many other common ailments as well as more complex illnesses.

An hour-long massage is included in the full booking fee and there are often other body therapies on offer over the retreat. The full body massage takes place in a warm and peaceful treatment room and is carried out by one of our fantastic masseurs while babies are cared for in the crèche near by.

We notice that mothers emerge from their treatments looking like a weight has been literally been lifted from their shoulders. They seem rejuvenated and calm and all the more ready to face life’s challenges renewed and refreshed.