What Mamas say...

I just returned from my Mamaheaven retreat this week and I cannot rave about it enough. Having never been on a retreat before I thought there was no better time to treat myself than after giving birth and those first 3 challenging months with a new born. The time I spent at Florence House was so special to me and I’ve left feeling nourished, rested and completely inspired. I’d had very little one on one time with my second daughter since she arrived. We both flourished during the two days we spent at Mamaheaven. It was the perfect space and I immediately felt at home after being greeted by the team of wonderful women. They created an intimate and safe environment for us to share parenting/birthing stories amongst other women. I was so relieved to see how amazing they were with all our children allowing us to relax into the scheduled classes should we choose to participate. You have freedom to mother as you choose with full support and no judgement.

I came away feeling empowered and full of gratitude for this nourishing experience. I would recommend any mother go for it whether it’s your first or fourth child. It’s a unique and exceptionally special couple of days. I am sure I will be visiting again if not next year perhaps when I hit menopause!